About Dollaremon’s F4DP reward on Fantom

Jun 20, 2021


Fantom version 4DP (four-dimensional pocket) F4DP (fantom four-dimensional pocket)

We have prepared F4DP (Fantom four-dimensional pocket) tokens to receive the money-pocket rewards of the Fantom version of Dollaremon.

We have prepared 4DP as an incentive for the BSC version of Dollaremon, and BNB, BUSD, cCBD, sCBD as dividends.
We have prepared F4DP so that many people can participate in the Fantom version of Dollarmon, and we have made it possible to obtain fBTC, fETH, USDC, WFTM as dividends so that we can expect further profits.
By using the four rewards as the main currencies, we believe that “more people will be able to feel closer to the understanding of rewards,” and hope that it will spread widely as a topic.
we would like many investors to participate in the Fantom version of Dollaremon.




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